July 14th - Your first Pediatrician appointment

Dear Lucy B,

Your first pediatrician appointment was July 14th, 2 days after we came home from the hospital. We put you in a sweet little outfit, loaded you in the car seat, and made our way to Dr. Kathy with our endless list of questions. 

You were weighed in at 7lbs, 4oz - a whole entire pound above your birth weight! Just so you know, that's kind of a big deal. We were so proud.  You didn't cry at all, you pooped twice, and you even let us stop at Veggie Grill for lunch after. Basically, you are the perfect baby, and Dr. Kathy agreed ;). 

Your first peds stats:
Weight: 7lbs 4oz
Height: 19 1/2"
Head: 14 1/4"

Chilling in your carseat. 

Family picture at the doctor's office

Love Always,
-Your Momma
