Lucy's 1st Month

Dear Lucy B, 

It's been so busy here with you that I've neglected your blog! My hope is that I can return in full force before I start forgetting all the wonderful little moments that we've had in the past (eek!) almost 5 months.

So, let's go back to July...

Your Grandma Robin (my mom) came to stay with us your first two weeks home and my goodness was she needed! Mikey came the first weekend and helped us get all set up too - he got the house in working order for us :). Your Daddy had to jet back to work as soon as we got home from the hospital, I was still recovering from surgery, and you, my sweet girl, were just discovering the world for the first time.

It's hard to even remember when you were so little and so immobile. We played dress up with you when you were awake and you let us dress you in all my first dresses, as well as all the creations my mom made you (and wrapped in all the blankets Nanny made you!). Mostly, we cuddled with you and sang to you and tried to figure out what this new life was going to be for a bit. 

You used to always put your fist at attention by your face and kick your legs straight out during diaper changes. You were so alert and expressive - attentive to everyone. They say that babies aren't that engaged in the first few months, but everyone that met you said the opposite.

The last week of your first month, your Grandma Eme and Grandpa Stevie (your Daddy's parents) came to see you - they had been eagerly awaiting to meet you! They were so excited to just cuddle with you and get to know you. We spent the week organizing the house and setting us up for life on our own for a bit! Mostly, they just doted on you, though, and we had to stop them from trying to take you back to Baltimore with them :).

Both sides of grandparents (and great grandparents) struggle with the same issue - not being near you! From east coast to west, you are the most loved little baby 💞

You wearing the dress I came home from the day I was born 

Your first weekend home!
Resting on Grandma Robin's shoulder 💗
Your silly sweet expressions.

Tummy time! You were working hard right from the beginning. 

Wrapped up in your special Pee Wee blanket, made by Nanny 💙

Dressed in your handmade bonnet and bloomers, made by Nanny. 

Uncle Colby visiting you with his "Best Uncle Ever" t-shirt on :) 

Summoning spirits in your sleep. 

Daddy giving you a bottle. 

Your at attention pose. 
Another pose :)

Grandma Robin's baby mermaid tail 

Genie on the left, Lucy on the right. Same outfit. 

Daddy and Lucy - snoozing.

Everyone posing!

Everyone snoozing!

Diaper changing pose!

The pose made it's way all the way to Tucson!

Grandpa Stevie cuddling up!
Grandma Eme holding Super Lucy!


Stevie and Lucy sharing the same pose :)
